Australia invests an additional 1.5 billion Australian dollars in infrastructure to help society out of the epidemic, On Thursday and Friday, the EU will hold a conference

In Daily Market Review, English
6 月 16, 2020

Australia invests an additional 1.5 billion Australian dollars in infrastructure to help society out of the epidemic
Australian Prime Minister Morrison said that he would invest an additional a $1.5 billion in infrastructure construction and rapid approval projects. This is in addition to the government’s earlier proposal of 3.8 billion Australian dollars in capital expenditure, additional funds. Among them, including the expansion of large-scale mines, submarine power connection, water conservancy and road projects, etc., in order to speed up local employment and the economy out of the haze of the epidemic.

On Thursday and Friday, the EU will hold a conference
One of the topics of the conference is to discuss the concept of “common debt”. It is understood that of the 750 billion euros rescue fund proposed by the European Union, the 500 billion euros they plan to give to the countries that suffered the most from the epidemic, such as Italy and Spain. The remaining 250 billion euros are lent to countries in need. In the first round of meetings last month, four member countries, including Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden, opposed the proposal to give funds to members in need. But it is understood that there is now more opposition from Finland. It seems that from the 27th of last month to the present, the four major countries headed by Germany, France, Italy and Spain have not been able to lobby other member states to accept the proposal.


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