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on 6 月 27, 2024

 上週美國首次申請失業救濟人數減少,這可能緩解了勞動市場重大變化的擔憂。美國勞工部週四表示,截至6月22日當週,經季節調整後的首次申請州失業救濟人數減少了6,000人,降至233,000人。此次數據包括了上週三的新節慶——六月節國家獨立日。申請人數在公共假期前後通常會有波動。今年以來,申請人數一直在194,000至243,000的範圍內波動。經濟學家們對於近期申請人數的增加是否顯示裁員增加或是去年同期波動的重複意見不一。申請人數仍處於歷史低位,正被密切關注,以判斷雇主是否因經濟放緩而裁員。自2022年以來,聯準會為遏制通膨已進行了525個基點的升息。政府在周四的另一份報告中證實,第一季的經濟成長明顯放緩。美國商務部經濟分析局表示,第一季國內生產毛額(GDP)年化成長率略微上調至1.4%,這是1至3月季GDP的第三次估計。此前成長率估計為1.3%。經濟在第四季的成長率為3.4%。自去年7月以來,美國央行一直將其基準隔夜利率維持在5.25%-5.50%的範圍內。根據失業救濟報告,在截至6月15日當週,經過首次援助後繼續領取救濟金的人數增加了18,000人,達到了季節性調整後的183.9萬人。這些所謂的持續申請數據涵蓋了政府調查6月失業率期間的家庭狀況。 5月失業率上升至4.0%,這是自2022年1月以來的首次上升。然而,大多數經濟學家並不認為目前的失業率水準對勞動市場構成威脅,他們認為失業率的增加主要集中在35-44歲年齡層、近期移民和某些產業。

on 6 月 27, 2024


on 6 月 24, 2024

 Data on Friday showed Canadian retail sales rose 0.7% in April as expected, bucking a downward trend over the past three months, with sales at the pump boosting the overall figure. Statistics Canada said retail sales, which includes cars, clothing, furniture, food and beverages and more, rose to C$66.8 billion ($48.78 billion) monthly. In terms of sales, overall sales grew 0.5% in April.Statscan, which polled just half of the respondents, initially estimated retail sales could fall 0.6% in May. In addition to petrol pump sales, which rose 4.5% for the first time this year, sales at food and drink retailers also rose 1.9%, the data showed. Petrol pumps and food and beverage retailers accounted for 10% and 19% of total retail sales respectively.Since the start of the year, Canada’s retail sector has been reeling from the highest interest rates in more than two decades, which has dented consumer spending. But economists had predicted sales would rebound in April due to higher gasoline and diesel prices, although consumer pressure remains. The Bank of Canada cut interest rates by 25 basis points to 4.75% for the first time in four years on June 5, and money markets raised expectations for another rate cut in July to about 73% from 71% before the release of retail sales data.Economists say Canadian consumer prices continue to slow, and consumer price index (CPI) data due next week will provide clarity on whether the expected drop in retail sales in May is due to lower sales or lower prices. Core retail sales, which exclude sales at gasoline pumps and motor vehicle and parts dealers, rose 1.4% in April. Sales grew in seven of nine subsectors. The biggest sales declines were at auto and parts dealers, where sales fell 2.2% in April. Statscan data shows this sub-sector is the largest contributor, accounting for more than a quarter of total retail sales.

on 6 月 24, 2024

 周五公布的数据显示,加拿大 4 月零售额按预期增长 0.7%,一反过去三个月的下降趋势,汽油泵销售提振了整体数据。加拿大统计局表示,零售额(包括汽车、服装、家具、食品和饮料等)月增至 668 亿加元(487.8 亿加元)。从销量来看,4 月整体销售额成长了 0.5%。Statscan 仅对一半受访者进行了初步调查,初步估计 5 月零售额可能会下降 0.6%。数据显示,除了今年首次成长4.5%的汽油泵销售额外,食品和饮料零售商的销售额也成长了1.9%。汽油泵和食品饮料零售商分别占零售总额的10%和19%。自今年年初以来,加拿大的零售业一直受到二十多年来最高利率的影响,这削弱了消费者支出。但经济学家曾预测,尽管消费者压力依然存在,但由于汽油和柴油价格上涨,四月销售量将会反弹。加拿大央行 6 月 5 日四年来首次降息 25 个基点至 4.75%,货币市场将 7 月再次降息的预期从零售销售数据公布前的 71% 提高至约 73% 。经济学家表示,加拿大消费者物价持续放缓,下周发布的消费者物价指数 (CPI) 数据将明确 5 月零售额的预期下降是由于销售下降还是价格下降。 4 月核心零售额(不包括汽油帮浦以及机动车辆和零件经销商的销售额)成长了 1.4%。九个子行业中有七个销售额成长。销量降幅最大的是汽车及零件经销商,4 月销量下降 2.2%。 Statscan 数据显示,这个子产业是最大的贡献者,占零售总额的四分之一以上。

on 6 月 24, 2024

週五公佈的數據顯示,加拿大 4 月零售額按預期增長 0.7%,一反過去三個月的下降趨勢,汽油泵銷售提振了整體數據。加拿大統計局表示,零售額(包括汽車、服裝、家具、食品和飲料等)月增至 668 億加元(487.8 億加元)。從銷量來看,4 月整體銷售額成長了 0.5%。Statscan 僅對一半受訪者進行了初步調查,初步估計 5 月零售額可能會下降 0.6%。數據顯示,除了今年首次成長4.5%的汽油泵銷售額外,食品和飲料零售商的銷售額也成長了1.9%。汽油泵和食品飲料零售商分別佔零售總額的10%和19%。自今年年初以來,加拿大的零售業一直受到二十多年來最高利率的影響,這削弱了消費者支出。但經濟學家曾預測,儘管消費者壓力依然存在,但由於汽油和柴油價格上漲,四月銷售量將會反彈。加拿大央行 6 月 5 日四年來首次降息 25 個基點至 4.75%,貨幣市場將 7 月再次降息的預期從零售銷售數據公佈前的 71% 提高至約 73% 。經濟學家表示,加拿大消費者物價持續放緩,下週發布的消費者物價指數 (CPI) 數據將明確 5 月零售額的預期下降是由於銷售下降還是價格下降。4 月核心零售額(不包括汽油幫浦以及機動車輛和零件經銷商的銷售額)成長了 1.4%。九個子行業中有七個銷售額成長。銷量降幅最大的是汽車及零件經銷商,4 月銷量下降 2.2%。 Statscan 數據顯示,這個子產業是最大的貢獻者,佔零售總額的四分之一以上。

on 6 月 23, 2024

  上周初价格先回落到横行1:1的距离,亦是前升段的0.618和互换位范围,从5M图可看到在下跌通道底出现反弹力量,而0.618刚好是前顶,短线看上是个不错的入市位。周二晚再次回测下跌通道底并发力反弹,从1H图看到型成W底升穿通道后延续向上,直到周四晚出现超大动能升穿2341和2353两个阻力,到逹2369附近后开始出现力量反弹,这时要留意上升趋势可能将要完结,所以如果出现向下做仓的机会也可积极尝试。最后价格震荡到2368后,在周五美盘时段出现大力下跌,有入到市向下做仓的人,可留部份仓位,可看看今次的下跌动能是否延续早前大图的下跌趋势。现价2321,未有仓位的,如下周一开市先向上行,可留意阻力位2335,这是前强升段的发力位,如要延续下跌,通常不会升穿这位置,否则又要继续震。如向下行先,就留意2308或通道底附近有否反弹力量,可先行当回调波做,始终短时间跌了50元,可能下跌动能减弱而出现回调。已有仓位的就可看反弹力量来决定平仓还是继续持仓。K.LAM风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。市场资料仅供参考,MAX Online 绝不保证分析内容的准确性。

on 6 月 20, 2024

 UK house prices rose for a second month in a row in April, rising by an annual average of 1.1% to 281,000 pounds ($358,000), the Office for National Statistics said on Wednesday, after rising 0.9% in March. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) private sector rents measure grew by 8.7% in the year to May, slightly slower than growth in the 12 months to April when it rose by 8.9%.The UK housing market has shown signs of recovery in recent months from a slowdown spurred by a surge in mortgage rates in late 2022 and 2023. But falling consumer price inflation has boosted household incomes and raised prospects for interest rate cuts. Official data released earlier on Wednesday showed that UK consumer price inflation returned to the Bank of England’s 2% target for the first time in nearly three years.

on 6 月 20, 2024

 英国国家统计局周三表示,英国房价在 3 月上涨 0.9% 后,4 月连续第二个月上涨,年均上涨 1.1%,达到 281,000 英镑(358,000 美元)。英国国家统计局 (ONS) 的私部门租金指标在截至 5 月的一年内成长了 8.7%,略低于截至 4 月的 12 个月内的增幅(当时上涨了 8.9%)。英国房地产市场近几个月显示出从2022年底和2023年抵押贷款利率飙升刺激的放缓中复苏的迹象。但消费者物价通膨的下降提高了家庭收入并提高了降息的前景。周三稍早公布的官方数据显示,英国消费者物价通膨近三年来首次回到英国央行2%的目标。

on 6 月 20, 2024

英國國家統計局週三表示,英國房價在 3 月上漲 0.9% 後,4 月連續第二個月上漲,年均上漲 1.1%,達到 281,000 英鎊(358,000 美元)。英國國家統計局 (ONS) 的私部門租金指標在截至 5 月的一年內成長了 8.7%,略低於截至 4 月的 12 個月內的增幅(當時上漲了 8.9%)。英國房地產市場近幾個月顯示出從2022年底和2023年抵押貸款利率飆升刺激的放緩中復甦的跡象。但消費者物價通膨的下降提高了家庭收入並提高了降息的前景。週三稍早公佈的官方數據顯示,英國消費者物價通膨近三年來首次回到英國央行2%的目標。

on 6 月 17, 2024

 Prices of new homes in China fell at their fastest pace in more than 9-1/2 years in May, official data showed on Monday, as the property sector struggled to find a bottom despite government efforts to curb oversupply and support debt-laden developers. According to calculations based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), prices fell by 0.7% month-on-month in May. This was the 11th consecutive month-on-month decline and the largest decline since October 2014. On an annual basis, new house prices fell 3.9% on the year, compared with a 3.1% decline in April.China’s debt-laden real estate industry, once a key engine of China’s economic growth, has been hit by multiple crises since mid-2021, including debt defaults by developers and stalled construction of pre-sale housing projects. Authorities have stepped up support for the crisis-hit real estate sector, including providing 300 billion yuan ($41.35 billion) in funding to clear massive housing inventories, reducing payments and easing mortgage rules. However, analysts believe that these measures will have little effect on digesting the large housing inventory, and the lifting of purchase restrictions in large cities may further suppress purchasing sentiment in small and medium-sized cities. Last month, new house prices fell in almost all of the 70 cities surveyed by the Office for National Statistics.Separately, official data on Monday also showed that real estate investment fell by 10.1% annually in the first five months of this year, following a 9.8% decline from January to April. Home sales fell faster from January to May. Nie Wen, an economist at Shanghai Huabao Trust, said China’s real estate market will diverge, with new home sales in big cities driven by those who have the ability to renovate and sell existing homes, while real estate in smaller cities is expected to diverge. continued decline due to overpopulation and outmigration. Policymakers are expected to support local governments and state-owned enterprises in purchasing unsold low-rent housing through subsidized loans, while lowering interest rates and fees to support property owners in improving their homes, Nie said.