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on 5 月 9, 2024

日本公佈的數據顯示,日本 3 月經通膨調整後的實質薪資年減 2.5%,連續兩年下降。數據顯示,由於生活成本上漲超過了名目工資,下降速度較上月的 1.8% 有所加快。日本正在看到實現薪資上漲和通膨良性循環的早期跡象。 然而,工人的收入仍落後於成本的上漲,凸顯了政策制定者在讓企業提高薪資方面所面臨的挑戰。一些經濟學家表示,他們預計實際工資將在 2024/25 財年的某個時候轉正。名目薪資,即每名工人的平均現金總收入,成長 0.6% 至 301,193 日圓(1,940.30 美元),較 2 月的 1.4% 有所放緩。另一方面,3月消費者物價年增3.1%,較2月的3.3%略有放緩,徘徊在日本央行2%通膨目標和物價漲幅之上。在現金收入總額中,決定基本工資的定期工資增加了1.7%,而加班工資下降了1.5%,連續第四個月下降。3月份獎金和其他福利等特殊付款年減9.4%。在今年的年度勞資談判中,日本主要企業提出將工人的月薪提高超過 5%,這是大約三十年來從未見過的水平。但僱用十分之七員工的小企業卻落後了,阻礙了薪資上漲的步伐。 低薪非正規工人也佔勞動力的40%左右。薪資成長乏力的幽靈正在粉碎政策制定者實現由持久通膨和穩定工資帶動的良性經濟成長的希望,而這被認為是貨幣政策正常化的先決條件。

on 5 月 6, 2024

  上周一开市后,价格去到之前提及的2320停下并出现反弹力量,5M图看到反弹后升穿下跌结构,并回调到0.618位置附近又再延续上升,短线向上做是一个不错的 入市位。 可惜最后未能到达前双顶位置,只到了上升通道的中线就出现较强的下跌力量,短线的可在这减仓或平仓,因为在震荡范围未有明显方向下应积极做仓位管理。周二跌穿小型上升通道后,直至周末价格都在2325-2383内震荡,但可以见到不断出LOWER HIGH,型态上又是一个小下跌通道,短线都是留意通道顶底和假突破位 2309,不过向下做仓要留意2266,因为在小时图级别都算是明显的支持,而且和下跌通道底重叠,如下周在这出现明显的反弹或直接升穿小下跌通道,中长线可能是一个 向上做仓的机会,但如果跌穿了就大机会到下个支持位2228。K.LAM风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。 高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。 阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。 可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。 因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。 投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。 市场资料仅供参考,MAX Online 绝不保证分析内容的准确性。

on 5 月 6, 2024

 The government said on Sunday that a weakening global economy and a slowdown at home were among the reasons Australia reported a smaller increase in federal budget revenue for the year to June 30 than in recent years. The Labor government is expected to report a budget surplus on May 14, although it said in March that revenue growth would be smaller than a year earlier due to lower commodity prices and a weaker labor market. On Sunday, it said the tax revenue hikes in the budget, which excludes levies from the goods and services tax, are expected to be more than A$100 billion ($66.08 billion) higher than the average hike of A$129 billion in the past three budgets.The expected results are due to a weakening global economy, a slowdown in the domestic economy, a weak labor market and falling commodity prices, the report said. “We are realistic about the challenges facing the economy and budget, including that the kind of large-scale revenue upgrade we saw in the recent budget update will not continue,” Finance Minister Jim Chalmers said in a statement. Chalmers has previously cited weak commodity prices, particularly for key export iron ore, and rising unemployment as key drivers of the change. Australia’s unemployment rate reached 4.1% in January, a two-year high. In April, he warned that events in the Middle East had heightened concerns about the global economy and would impact the government’s budget in May.

on 5 月 6, 2024

 澳洲政府周日表示,全球经济疲软和国内经济放缓是澳洲报告的截至 6 月 30 日的年度联邦预算收入增幅较近几年较小的原因之一。 工党政府预计将在 5 月 14 日报告预算盈余,尽管工党政府在 3 月曾表示,由于大宗商品价格下跌和劳动力市场疲软,收入增幅将小于去年同期。 周日,它表示,预算中的税收收入上调(不包括商品和服务税的税收)预计将比过去三个预算中1290亿澳元的平均上调幅度高出1000亿澳元(660.8亿美元)以上。报告称,预期结果是由于全球经济疲软、国内经济放缓、劳动市场疲软以及大宗商品价格下跌。 财政部长吉姆·查尔默斯在声明中表示:「我们对经济和预算面临的挑战持现实态度,这包括我们在最近的预算更新中看到的那种大规模收入升级不会继续下去。」 查尔默斯先前曾指出,大宗商品价格疲软,尤其是主要出口铁矿石价格疲软,以及失业率上升是这项变化的关键驱动因素。 1月澳洲失业率达4.1%,创两年新高。 4月份,他警告说,中东发生的事件加剧了人们对全球经济的担忧,并将影响政府5月的预算。

on 5 月 6, 2024

澳洲政府週日表示,全球經濟疲軟和國內經濟放緩是澳洲報告的截至 6 月 30 日的年度聯邦預算收入增幅較近幾年較小的原因之一。工黨政府預計將在 5 月 14 日報告預算盈餘,儘管工黨政府在 3 月曾表示,由於大宗商品價格下跌和勞動力市場疲軟,收入增幅將小於去年同期。週日,它表示,預算中的稅收收入上調(不包括商品和服務稅的稅收)預計將比過去三個預算中1290億澳元的平均上調幅度高出1000億澳元(660.8億美元)以上。報告稱,預期結果是由於全球經濟疲軟、國內經濟放緩、勞動市場疲軟以及大宗商品價格下跌。財政部長吉姆·查爾默斯在聲明中表示:「我們對經濟和預算面臨的挑戰持現實態度,這包括我們在最近的預算更新中看到的那種大規模收入升級不會繼續下去。」查爾默斯先前曾指出,大宗商品價格疲軟,尤其是主要出口鐵礦石價格疲軟,以及失業率上升是這項變化的關鍵驅動因素。 1月澳洲失業率達4.1%,創兩年新高。4月份,他警告說,中東發生的事件加劇了人們對全球經濟的擔憂,並將影響政府5月的預算。

on 5 月 6, 2024

Gold tested the 2280 support 3x last week, with the lowest hitting a 4-week low of 2277. The gold price held on to the 2280 support following a relatively neutral Powell’s Fed announcement and weak US employment data. Since the price has bottomed out near the end of last week, expect the gold price to initiate a rebound in S-T.

1-Hr Chart – The gold price has rebounded quickly each time after it touched the 2280(4) support last week, showing strong buying near the 2280-5(4) level. The downward trend that originated on Apr 20 has ended after the price broke out from the downward resistance line(1) in the early Asian session back from the weekend. The S-T target can be set at 2328(2). There is no important economic data scheduled to be released this week, so once the gold price clears the resistance at 2328(2) later this week, the next target can be set at 2350(3).

Daily Chart – The gold price has not been able to stay below 2300(7) for more than one day, reflecting the strong buying support below 2300. We can operate the 10-day MA(5) and the 20-day MA(6), taking advantage of the 2280-2355(8) range in S-T. Based on the current market conditions, I believe the gold price needs more news stimulation for it to escape the 2280-2355(8) range.

P. To

on 5 月 6, 2024


1小时图 – 金价上周3次测试2280(4)支持,但每次都即时反弹,反映2280-5(4)买盘支持强劲。周未过后金价在周一早段亚盘已突破下降阻力线(1),源自4月20日的下跌趋势正式完结,上方短线目标可定在2328(2)。本周没有任何重要经济数据,只要金价在本周中后段上破2328,第二目标可定在2350(3)。

日线图 – 现时金价仍未能停留在2300(7)以下超过1日,反映2300买盘支持仍然较强。短线阻力可继续操作10天移动平均线(5)及20天线(6),把握2280-2355(8)区间,以现时市场状况,相信金价需更多消息刺激才能离开2280-2355(8)区间。

P. To

on 5 月 6, 2024


1小時圖 – 金價上週3次測試2280(4)支持,但每次都即時反彈,反映2280-5(4)買盤支持強勁。週未過後金價在週一早段亞盤已突破下降阻力線(1),源自4月20日的下跌趨勢正式完結,上方短線目標可定在2328(2)。本週沒有任何重要經濟數據,只要金價在本週中後段上破2328,第二目標可定在2350(3)。

日線圖 – 現時金價仍未能停留在2300(7)以下超過1日,反映2300買盤支持仍然較強。短線阻力可繼續操作10天移動平均線(5)及20天線(6),把握2280-2355(8)區間,以現時市場狀況,相信金價需更多消息刺激才能離開2280-2355(8)區間。

P. To

on 5 月 2, 2024

 A former central bank official who was involved in the Tokyo market push a decade ago said Japan may continue to intervene to support the yen until the risk of speculators triggering a sharp yen depreciation is removed. The yen rose sharply on Thursday, a day after traders suspected intervention measures were taken on Monday to stem a sharp decline. Japan’s Finance Ministry declined to confirm whether it had intervened, making markets nervous about the possibility of another round of intervention.At the time of Tokyo’s intervention from 2010 to 2012, Ton Takeuchi, head of the Bank of Japan’s foreign exchange department, said Japan might enter the market on Monday because the yen suffered sudden and huge losses in a short period of time that day. He said if the yen suddenly appreciated 2-3 points in a day without supervision, it could trigger a free fall in the yen, exacerbating concerns about the yen and the broader economy. By intervening when the yen’s decline accelerates in the short term, the authorities can maximize the psychological impact by alerting traders to the possibility of more action.Japan has historically been primarily concerned with preventing a sharp appreciation of the yen that would damage its export-reliant economy. Takeuchi participated in several yen sell-off intervention actions between 2010 and 2012. Under Japanese law, the government has jurisdiction over monetary policy, with the Bank of Japan acting as an agent for the Finance Ministry in deciding when to intervene.

on 5 月 2, 2024

 一位十年前参与东京市场进军的前央行官员表示,日本可能会继续干预以支撑日圆,直到投机者引发日圆大幅贬值的风险被消除。 日圆周四大幅上涨,交易员怀疑这是继周一采取干预措施以阻止日圆大幅下跌的第二天。 日本财务省拒绝证实是否已介入,这让市场对另一轮干预的可能性感到紧张。2010年至2012年东京干预时,日本央行外汇部门负责人竹内惇表示,日本可能会在周一进入市场,因为日圆当天在短时间内遭受了突然的巨额损失。 他表示如果日圆在一天内突然升值 2-3 点而无人监管,则可能会引发日圆直线下跌,从而加剧人们对日圆和整体经济的担忧。 透过在日圆短期内加速下跌时进行干预,当局可以让交易员警惕采取更多行动的可能性,从而最大限度地发挥心理影响。日本历来主要关注防止日圆大幅升值,以免损害其出口依赖型经济。 竹内在2010年至2012年期间参与了数次日元抛售干预行动。 根据日本法律,政府对货币政策拥有管辖权,而日本央行则作为财务省的代理人,决定何时进行干预。