Biden and Sanders compete fiercely for Democratic presidential nominee, Gold fell 10 dollars due to "Super Tuesday"

In Daily Market Review, English
3 月 06, 2020

Biden and Sanders compete fiercely for Democratic presidential nominee

The results of the key primary election “Super Tuesday” of the US Democratic presidential nomination battle have been released one after another. Former Vice President Biden won the support of Southern African voters. He won at least 9 primary elections in 14 states and territories, including the second Texas with more than 228 party representative votes. As for Biden’s main opponent, Vermont Senator Sanders won three states and led California with 415 party representative votes in the largest ticket warehouse. As for the other three candidates, former New York mayor Bloomberg, Massachusetts female senator Warren and Federal Representative Gabbard, the performance was not as satisfactory. According to estimates by the US BBC, together with the preliminary election held earlier, Biden has obtained more than 450 party representative votes, overtaking the previous leader of Sanders, about 370, that is, the Democratic presidential nominee has a great chance Deng and Sanders struggled until the Democratic National Party Congress was held in July.


Gold fell 10 dollars due to “Super Tuesday”

Because the US ADP data was better than expected on Wednesday, the market is expected to cool down the Fed’s interest rate cuts, and Biden’s expansion in the “Super Tuesday” advantage boosted the US stock market, so this once made gold fall by nearly 10 dollars. But the market is still betting that the global central bank will cut interest rates faster. At the same time, due to the impact of public health incidents, many countries have lowered their economic expectations and also undermined market expectations for economic recovery. Analysts said that in the context of global easing, gold may continue to act as a tool to obtain liquidity for a short period of time, thus limiting the rise, but from historical data, this often paves the way for a larger rise.

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