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on 6 月 20, 2024
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 UK house prices rose for a second month in a row in April, rising by an annual average of 1.1% to 281,000 pounds ($358,000), the Office for National Statistics said on Wednesday, after rising 0.9% in March. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) private sector rents measure grew by 8.7% in the year to May, slightly slower than growth in the 12 months to April when it rose by 8.9%.The UK housing market has shown signs of recovery in recent months from a slowdown spurred by a surge in mortgage rates in late 2022 and 2023. But falling consumer price inflation has boosted household incomes and raised prospects for interest rate cuts. Official data released earlier on Wednesday showed that UK consumer price inflation returned to the Bank of England’s 2% target for the first time in nearly three years.

on 6 月 20, 2024
70 views 0 secs

 英国国家统计局周三表示,英国房价在 3 月上涨 0.9% 后,4 月连续第二个月上涨,年均上涨 1.1%,达到 281,000 英镑(358,000 美元)。英国国家统计局 (ONS) 的私部门租金指标在截至 5 月的一年内成长了 8.7%,略低于截至 4 月的 12 个月内的增幅(当时上涨了 8.9%)。英国房地产市场近几个月显示出从2022年底和2023年抵押贷款利率飙升刺激的放缓中复苏的迹象。但消费者物价通膨的下降提高了家庭收入并提高了降息的前景。周三稍早公布的官方数据显示,英国消费者物价通膨近三年来首次回到英国央行2%的目标。

on 6 月 20, 2024
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英國國家統計局週三表示,英國房價在 3 月上漲 0.9% 後,4 月連續第二個月上漲,年均上漲 1.1%,達到 281,000 英鎊(358,000 美元)。英國國家統計局 (ONS) 的私部門租金指標在截至 5 月的一年內成長了 8.7%,略低於截至 4 月的 12 個月內的增幅(當時上漲了 8.9%)。英國房地產市場近幾個月顯示出從2022年底和2023年抵押貸款利率飆升刺激的放緩中復甦的跡象。但消費者物價通膨的下降提高了家庭收入並提高了降息的前景。週三稍早公佈的官方數據顯示,英國消費者物價通膨近三年來首次回到英國央行2%的目標。

on 6 月 17, 2024
29 views 2 mins

 Prices of new homes in China fell at their fastest pace in more than 9-1/2 years in May, official data showed on Monday, as the property sector struggled to find a bottom despite government efforts to curb oversupply and support debt-laden developers. According to calculations based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), prices fell by 0.7% month-on-month in May. This was the 11th consecutive month-on-month decline and the largest decline since October 2014. On an annual basis, new house prices fell 3.9% on the year, compared with a 3.1% decline in April.China’s debt-laden real estate industry, once a key engine of China’s economic growth, has been hit by multiple crises since mid-2021, including debt defaults by developers and stalled construction of pre-sale housing projects. Authorities have stepped up support for the crisis-hit real estate sector, including providing 300 billion yuan ($41.35 billion) in funding to clear massive housing inventories, reducing payments and easing mortgage rules. However, analysts believe that these measures will have little effect on digesting the large housing inventory, and the lifting of purchase restrictions in large cities may further suppress purchasing sentiment in small and medium-sized cities. Last month, new house prices fell in almost all of the 70 cities surveyed by the Office for National Statistics.Separately, official data on Monday also showed that real estate investment fell by 10.1% annually in the first five months of this year, following a 9.8% decline from January to April. Home sales fell faster from January to May. Nie Wen, an economist at Shanghai Huabao Trust, said China’s real estate market will diverge, with new home sales in big cities driven by those who have the ability to renovate and sell existing homes, while real estate in smaller cities is expected to diverge. continued decline due to overpopulation and outmigration. Policymakers are expected to support local governments and state-owned enterprises in purchasing unsold low-rent housing through subsidized loans, while lowering interest rates and fees to support property owners in improving their homes, Nie said.

on 6 月 17, 2024
44 views 1 sec

 周一官方数据显示,5月份中国新房价格跌幅为逾9-1/2年来最快,尽管政府努力遏制供应过剩并支持负债累累的开发商,但房地产行业仍在努力寻找底部。根据国家统计局(NBS)数据计算得出,5月份价格环比下降0.7%,这是连续第11个月环比下降,也是自2014年10月以来的最大降幅。以年度计算,新房价年减 3.9%,而 4 月则下降 3.1%。中国负债累累的房地产行业曾经是中国经济成长的关键引擎,但自2021年年中以来已遭受多次危机打击,包括开发商债务违约和预售房屋项目建设停滞。当局已加强支撑受危机打击的房地产行业,包括提供3000亿元人民币(413.5亿美元)的资金以清理大量房屋库存、减少付款和放宽抵押贷款规则。但分析师认为,这些措施对于消化大量的房屋库存作用不大,而且大城市限购的解除可能会进一步抑制中小城市的购买情绪。上个月,国家统计局调查的 70 个城市几乎全部出现新房价下跌。另外,周一的官方数据也显示,继1-4月下降9.8%之后,今年前5个月房地产投资年减10.1%。 1 月至 5 月房屋销售下降速度更快。上海华宝信托经济学家聂文表示,中国房地产市场将出现分化,大城市的新房销售将由那些有能力翻新并出售现有住房的人推动,而小城市的房地产预计将出现分化。过剩和人口外流而持续下降。聂说,政策制定者预计将透过贴息贷款支持地方政府和国有企业购买未售出的廉租房,同时降低利率和费用以支持业主改善住房。

on 6 月 17, 2024
31 views 1 sec

週一官方數據顯示,5月份中國新房價格跌幅為逾9-1/2年來最快,儘管政府努力遏制供應過剩並支持負債累累的開發商,但房地產行業仍在努力尋找底部。根據國家統計局(NBS)數據計算得出,5月份價格環比下降0.7%,這是連續第11個月環比下降,也是自2014年10月以來的最大降幅。以年度計算,新房價年減 3.9%,而 4 月則下降 3.1%。中國負債累累的房地產行業曾經是中國經濟成長的關鍵引擎,但自2021年年中以來已遭受多次危機打擊,包括開發商債務違約和預售房屋項目建設停滯。當局已加強支撐受危機打擊的房地產行業,包括提供3000億元人民幣(413.5億美元)的資金以清理大量房屋庫存、減少付款和放寬抵押貸款規則。但分析師認為,這些措施對於消化大量的房屋庫存作用不大,而且大城市限購的解除可能會進一步抑制中小城市的購買情緒。上個月,國家統計局調查的 70 個城市幾乎全部出現新房價下跌。另外,週一的官方數據也顯示,繼1-4月下降9.8%之後,今年前5個月房地產投資年減10.1%。 1 月至 5 月房屋銷售下降速度更快。上海華寶信託經濟學家聶文表示,中國房地產市場將出現分化,大城市的新房銷售將由那些有能力翻新並出售現有住房的人推動,而小城市的房地產預計將出現分化。過剩和人口外流而持續下降。聶說,政策制定者預計將透過貼息貸款支持地方政府和國有企業購買未售出的廉租房,同時降低利率和費用以支持業主改善住房。

on 6 月 17, 2024
43 views 2 secs


1小时图 > 金价在过去一周形成了缓慢上升通道(1)。现时受阻于上周高位2340(2),短线操作区间在2300-40。若金价本周沿上升通道突破2340(2),上方目标可定在2358(4)附近。

日线图 > 金价处于下降通道(5)的短线反弹当中(8),上方阻力留意20天均线(6)。上周低位2287(9)未能突破前低2277(9.1),调整趋势有放缓迹象,中线区间为2277-2431(7),等待下一步突破。

P. To

on 6 月 17, 2024
41 views 2 secs



1小時圖 > 金價在過去一週形成了緩慢上升通道(1)。現時受阻於上週高位2340(2),短線操作區間在2300-40。若金價本週沿上升通道突破2340(2),上方目標可定在2358(4)附近。


日線圖 > 金價處於下降通道(5)的短線反彈當中(8),上方阻力留意20天均線(6)。上週低位2287(9)未能突破前低2277(9.1),調整趨勢有放緩跡象,中線區間為2277-2431(7),等待下一步突破。

P. To

on 6 月 15, 2024
25 views 4 secs

 上周开市价格去到2286停下并型成横行,由于价格位于大图的通道底范围,当周一美盘上破横行顶时,回测横行顶时短线是个不错的入市位,但在2315这个明显阻力位要减仓或推止赚。到了上周提及的2315后,出现小型下跌通道和发力下破,从5M图可看见下破后的0.618刚好是阻力位,短线向下可一试,而且有可能向下延续大图的下跌趋势,值博率较高,但到前横行顶也要做仓位管理。最终价格没有延续向下,并升穿2315去到上周高位2341,之后价格再次回测通道底但并未跌穿前底2286。现价2332,从4H图看,出现HIGHER LOW后, 虽然发力反弹型成双底,但要看下周上升力量能否升穿2342前高位,若有力升穿前高和2353阻力,则大机会回到更高的位置,但如果这两个位有力反弹向下,就会在这型成震荡,到时就留意震荡的顶底来做仓。K.LAM风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。市场资料仅供参考,MAX Online 绝不保证分析内容的准确性。

on 6 月 13, 2024
22 views 50 secs

 U.S. consumer prices unexpectedly remained unchanged in May as gasoline prices fell, but inflation may still be too high for the Fed to start cutting interest rates before September amid continued strength in the labor market.Consumer price index data released Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics remained unchanged, with consumer prices rising 0.3% in April. CPI has been trending downward since reliable data became available in February and March. Price pressures are likely to continue to ease as major retailers including Target (TGT.N) slash prices on items from food to diapers with new tabs to appeal to inflation-weary consumers .Although annual gains in consumer prices have slowed from a peak of 9.1% in June 2022, inflation remains above the Fed’s 2% target. The government reported last week that job growth accelerated in May and wages rose, but the unemployment rate rose to 4%. Fed officials are expected later Wednesday to keep the benchmark overnight rate at its current range of 5.25%-5.50%, where it has been since July.Since March 2022, the Federal Reserve has raised policy rates by 525 basis points. Financial markets expect the Fed to begin an easing cycle in September, although that belief is waning. Some economists favor a rate cut in December, but others are less sure borrowing costs will be lower this year.