Russia announces successful development of COVID-19 vaccine, Gold fell to $1,900!

In Daily Market Review, English
8 月 12, 2020

Russia announces successful development of COVID-19 vaccine
Russian media reported that President Putin announced that it has become the first country in the world to register a vaccine against the COVID-19, and hopes to start mass production in the near future. The vaccine is expected to be available for civilian use on January 1 next year. The local health minister stated that the vaccine started clinical trials on June 18, and all 38 volunteers had developed immunity, reflecting the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. It also pointed out those clinical tests involving thousands of people will continue in the short term. Significant progress has been made in the research and development of the new coronavirus vaccine, which has increased the adjustment pressure of the recent high level of gold, and fell below the 10-day and 20-day average support in one fell swoop, and the technology, has entered a consolidation trend.

Gold fell to $1,900!
On Tuesday, gold fell by nearly US$130, or 5.7%, the largest level in 7 years. It further expanded its decline on Wednesday, falling below US$1,900, refreshing its nearly 3-week low to US$1,889.84. With the disappearance of the world’s first new crown vaccine registered in Russia on Tuesday, a wave of precious metals selling frenzy occurred around the world.


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