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Samsung to Invest Over 18 Billion USD in Chip Production

In English
5 月 18, 2021

Samsung to Invest Over 18 Billion USD in Chip Production

The global demand for automotive chips is increasing, but there is still a shortage of supply that cannot be resolved. Samsung aims at the long-term problem of chip shortages and announced that it will spend more than 18 billion U.S. dollars to build a new plant in its main semiconductor base in the suburbs of Seoul in order to compete for orders from TSMC. South Korea’s Samsung announced on the 13th that the new plant is expected to be put into operation in the second half of 2022, involved in the foundry of the most cutting-edge semiconductors and the production of semiconductor memory. The investment is expected to exceed 18 billion U.S. dollars. Against the background of increasing demand in a wide range of industries such as automobiles, Samsung believes that the shortage of semiconductors will be prolonged, so it has decided to initiate large-scale investments.


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