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on 3 月 17, 2024
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  上周初黄金价格去到2195后反弹并跌穿上升结构,从4H图看有机会是到了通道顶,所以可能会出现短线的回调。 2184可能会是不错的入市位,这是下跌段的黄金分割0.618,而且在5M图也看到是互换位,不过由于从大图看上升动能强劲,而且周二美盘数据公报前出现小横行,止赚位不要看太远,2164的前双顶位会是一个 不错的减仓或食糊的位置。现时大方向一定系向上看会较有利,前日图针顶2143是较近的支持位,下周初可留意细图有没有力量反弹,若跌穿这位置,下关可能到2087,这是日 图最近升段的0.618。 另外从1H图看,出了下跌趋势线,有机会型成下跌通道,下周也可留意顶底的位置。K.LAM风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。 高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。 阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。 可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。 因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。 投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。 市场资料仅供参考,MAX Online 绝不保证分析内容的准确性。

on 3 月 14, 2024
33 views 4 secs

        由于联准会降息时间存在不确定性,预计中国央行周五展期到期中期贷款时将维持关键政策利率不变。 市场观察家普遍认为,尽管普遍认为陷入困境的经济需要更多刺激措施,但北京将继续优先考虑人民币的稳定。 在联准会或其他主要央行采取行动之前降息将扩大收益率差异,可能会给人民币带来更大压力。 尽管央行持续努力支撑人民币,但今年迄今人民币兑美元已贬值1.3%。         星展银行(DBS)经济学家塞缪尔·谢(Samuel Tse)表示:“我们维持我们的观点,即中国人民银行不会领先于联准会降息。”“毕竟,当局的目的是稳定汇率 ,以防止进一步的资本外流。稳定经济数据也为推迟降息决定留下了空间。”人们普遍预计,如果通膨降温,美联储今年将降息,根据LSEG 的利率概率应用程序,市场目前认为6 月份降息 的可能性为65%,尽管这一可能性较本周早些时候的71% 有所下降。 7 月降息的可能性约为 83%。         交易员和分析师表示,联准会降息或一系列降息将为中国央行降低借贷成本以支撑经济成长提供回旋余地。 北京一位债券基金经理表示,“中国的政策利率调整可能要等到美国降息时机明确之后”,他预计央行将全面展期到期的MLF贷款,甚至向市场提供一些新资金。 周五的金融系统。         然而,中国人民银行行长潘功胜上周表示,该行将保持人民币基本稳定,并向市场发出鸽派讯息,称中国「拥有丰富的货币政策工具」。 巴克莱经济学家在一份报告中表示:“我们预计中国将推出更多宽松货币政策以支持经济成长。”「我们预计第二季和第三季政策利率均下调10 个基点,并预计第 二季银行存款准备率(RRR) 下调25-50 个基点,第三季再下调25-50 个基点」。

on 3 月 14, 2024
35 views 3 mins

Amid uncertainty over the timing of the Fed’s rate cut, the People’s Bank of China is expected to keep key policy rates unchanged when it rolls over maturing medium-term loans on Friday.Market observers generally believe that Beijing will continue to prioritize the stability of the yuan, despite widespread agreement that the struggling economy needs more stimulus.Cutting interest rates before the Fed or other major central banks take action would widen yield differentials and could put more pressure on the yuan. Despite the central bank’s continued efforts to support the yuan, the yuan has depreciated 1.3% against the dollar so far this year.”We maintain our view that the People’s Bank of China will not cut rates ahead of the Fed,” said DBS economist Samuel Tse.”After all, the authorities aim to stabilize the exchange rate to prevent further capital outflows. Stabilizing economic data also leaves room for delaying a decision to cut interest rates.”The Fed is widely expected to cut interest rates this year if inflation cools, with markets currently pricing in a 65% chance of a rate cut in June, according to LSEG’s Rate Probability app, although that’s down from 71% earlier this week. dropped. The chance of a rate cut in July is about 83%.Traders and analysts said a rate cut or series of rate cuts by the Federal Reserve would give China’s central bank room to maneuver to lower borrowing costs to support economic growth.A bond fund manager in Beijing said that “China’s policy interest rate adjustment may have to wait until the timing of the U.S. interest rate cut is clear.” He expects the central bank to fully roll over maturing MLF loans and even provide some new funds to the market. Financial system on Friday.However, Pan Gongsheng, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, said last week that the bank would keep the yuan basically stable and sent a dovish message to the market, saying China “has abundant monetary policy tools.””We expect China to introduce more loose monetary policies to support economic growth,” Barclays economists said in a note.”We expect policy rates to be cut by 10 basis points in both the second quarter and third quarter, and expect the bank reserve ratio (RRR) to be cut by 25-50 basis points in the second quarter and by another 25-50 basis points in the third quarter.”

on 3 月 14, 2024
72 views 4 secs

        由於聯準會降息時間存在不確定性,預計中國央行週五展期到期中期貸款時將維持關鍵政策利率不變。市場觀察家普遍認為,儘管普遍認為陷入困境的經濟需要更多刺激措施,但北京將繼續優先考慮人民幣的穩定。在聯準會或其他主要央行採取行動之前降息將擴大收益率差異,可能會給人民幣帶來更大壓力。儘管央行持續努力支撐人民幣,但今年迄今人民幣兌美元已貶值1.3%。        星展銀行(DBS)經濟學家塞繆爾·謝(Samuel Tse)表示:“我們維持我們的觀點,即中國人民銀行不會領先於聯準會降息。”“畢竟,當局的目的是穩定匯率,以防止進一步的資本外流。穩定經濟數據也為推遲降息決定留下了空間。”人們普遍預計,如果通膨降溫,美聯儲今年將降息,根據LSEG 的利率概率應用程序,市場目前認為6 月份降息的可能性為65%,儘管這一可能性較本週早些時候的71% 有所下降。 7 月降息的可能性約為 83%。        交易員和分析師表示,聯準會降息或一系列降息將為中國央行降低借貸成本以支撐經濟成長提供迴旋餘地。北京一位債券基金經理表示,“中國的政策利率調整可能要等到美國降息時機明確之後”,他預計央行將全面展期到期的MLF貸款,甚至向市場提供一些新資金。週五的金融系統。        然而,中國人民銀行行長潘功勝上週表示,該行將保持人民幣基本穩定,並向市場發出鴿派訊息,稱中國「擁有豐富的貨幣政策工具」。巴克萊經濟學家在一份報告中表示:“我們預計中國將推出更多寬鬆貨幣政策以支持經濟成長。”「我們預計第二季和第三季政策利率均下調 10 個基點,並預計第二季銀行存款準備率 (RRR) 下調 25-50 個基點,第三季再下調 25-50 個基點」。

on 3 月 11, 2024
22 views 2 mins

  Britain’s financial regulator on Monday approved the launch of cryptocurrency-backed exchange-traded notes for professional investors, becoming the latest regulator to allow digital asset products while trying to protect retail investors.The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said in a statement that such products – bonds issued by financial institutions that track the performance of the underlying assets – will only be available to investment firms and credit institutions authorized to operate in financial markets.The FCA said the ban on cryptocurrency exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and derivatives for retail investors will remain in place, calling it “unsuitable” because “they can cause harm.”The London Stock Exchange said in a separate statement on Monday that it will accept applications for admission to Bitcoin and Ethereum ETNs starting in the second quarter of this year.In recent months, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved a Bitcoin spot exchange-traded fund, while calling the token a “speculative, volatile asset and used for illegal activities” and urging investors to exercise caution. Crypto markets have surged in recent months. .Bitcoin hit an all-time high above $70,600 on Monday, driven by an influx of cash into Bitcoin ETFs and expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates soon.The FCA said that with “deeper insights and data from longer-term trading history,” professional investors can better determine whether cryptocurrency ETNs meet their risk appetite. The exchange said it must ensure orderly trading and protect investors.However, the FCA reiterated warnings from recent years, saying cryptocurrencies are “highly risky and largely unregulated” and that investors could “lose all their money.”Jake Green, global head of financial regulation at law firm Ashurst, said the FCA’s stance on cryptocurrencies and retail investors was in a “state of flux”.He said the regulator “clearly doesn’t want to get close” to the idea that “retail investors can buy cryptocurrencies in the form of FCA-regulated financial instruments”.

on 3 月 11, 2024
65 views 7 secs

 英国金融监管机构周一批准为专业投资者推出加密货币支持的交易所交易票据,成为最新一个允许数位资产产品同时试图保护散户投资者的监管机构。英国金融市场行为监理局(FCA)在声明中表示,此类产品——由追踪基础资产表现的金融机构发行的债券——将只提供给获准在金融市场营运的投资公司和信贷机构。FCA 表示,针对散户投资者的加密货币交易所交易票据(ETN)和衍生品的禁令将继续保留,并称其“不适合”,因为“它们会造成伤害”。伦敦证券交易所周一在另一份声明中表示,将从今年第二季开始接受比特币和以太坊 ETN 的入场申请。近几个月来,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准了比特币现货交易所交易基金,同时呼吁该代币是「投机性、波动性资产,也用于非法活动」并敦促投资者谨慎行事, 加密市场近几个月出现飙升。 。受大量现金涌入比特币 ETF 以及联准会将很快降息的预期推动,比特币周一触及 70,600 美元上方的历史新高。FCA 表示,凭借“更长期的交易历史中的更深入的洞察和数据”,专业投资者可以更好地确定加密货币 ETN 是否满足他们的风险偏好。 交易所表示,必须确保交易有序并保护投资者。然而,FCA 重申近年来的警告,表示加密货币“风险高且基本上不受监管”,投资者可能“损失所有资金”。Ashurst 律师事务所金融监理全球主管 Jake Green 表示,FCA 对加密货币和散户投资者的立场处于「不断变化的状态」。他表示,监管机构「显然不想接近」「散户可以以 FCA 监管的金融工具的形式购买加密货币」的想法。

on 3 月 11, 2024
42 views 7 secs

英國金融監管機構週一批准為專業投資者推出加密貨幣支持的交易所交易票據,成為最新一個允許數位資產產品同時試圖保護散戶投資者的監管機構。英國金融市場行為監理局(FCA)在聲明中表示,此類產品——由追蹤基礎資產表現的金融機構發行的債券——將只提供給獲准在金融市場營運的投資公司和信貸機構。FCA 表示,針對散戶投資者的加密貨幣交易所交易票據(ETN)和衍生品的禁令將繼續保留,並稱其“不適合”,因為“它們會造成傷害”。倫敦證券交易所週一在另一份聲明中表示,將從今年第二季開始接受比特幣和以太坊 ETN 的入場申請。近幾個月來,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)批准了比特幣現貨交易所交易基金,同時呼籲該代幣是「投機性、波動性資產,也用於非法活動」並敦促投資者謹慎行事,加密市場近幾個月出現飆升。 。受大量現金湧入比特幣 ETF 以及聯準會將很快降息的預期推動,比特幣週一觸及 70,600 美元上方的歷史新高。FCA 表示,憑藉“更長期的交易歷史中的更深入的洞察和數據”,專業投資者可以更好地確定加密貨幣 ETN 是否滿足他們的風險偏好。 交易所表示,必須確保交易有序並保護投資者。然而,FCA 重申近年來的警告,表示加密貨幣“風險高且基本上不受監管”,投資者可能“損失所有資金”。Ashurst 律師事務所金融監理全球主管 Jake Green 表示,FCA 對加密貨幣和散戶投資者的立場處於「不斷變化的狀態」。他表示,監管機構「顯然不想接近」「散戶可以以 FCA 監管的金融工具的形式購買加密貨幣」的想法。

on 3 月 11, 2024
27 views 52 secs

The gold price was unstoppable last week. It broke clear the December high of 2088 and surpassed the historical high of 2147. On Friday, even with better-than-expected US non-farm payroll data, it continued to rise before the market closed, reaching a new all-time high of 2195. This week, the US will release core CPI and retail sales data on Tuesday and Thursday, if inflation slows down and the data disappoints, we can expect the gold price to continue its upward movement.

1-hr Chart – The gold price was rejected by 2190(1) again during the Asian session today. Since breaking through the resistance at 2147-2150 last week, an S-T upward channel(3) has formed in the past 48 hours. If the gold price breaks below the upward channel(3) after Tuesday’s data, the trading range can be set between 2155-85(2).

Daily Chart – After breaking through the December high of 2088 (4) last week, gold officially began its uptrend. The upside target 2190, estimated based on the previous consolidation range of 1:1 (4.1), has been reached. As the gold price is approaching the upper resistance of the M-T upward channel(5), the gold price has pullback(6) before the market closed on Friday. Keep an eye out; it would be the first signal of another surge if the gold price closes above 2178 on the daily chart in the next 2 days. Otherwise, a retreatment toward 2147-50 will begin.

P. To

on 3 月 11, 2024
64 views 4 secs


1小时图 – 今早亚盘金价再试2190后未有突破,现时阻力在2190(1)。自上周突破2147-50阻力后,过去48小时刚形成了短暂的上升通道(3),若周二数据后,金价脱离上升通道(3),交易区间可定在2155-85(2)。

日线图 – 黄金自上周突破12月高位2088(4)后升势正式开始,以早前调整区间1比1作估算(4.1),目标2190已到。金价中线走势现时已接近上升通道(5)顶部。上周五黄金冲高回落(6),留意未来48小时若金价收盘在2178之上,会是金价继续冲高的第一个讯号;否则初步回落且标可定在2147-50。

P. To

on 3 月 11, 2024
44 views 4 secs


1小時圖 – 今早亞盤金價再試2190後未有突破,現時阻力在2190(1)。自上週突破2147-50阻力後,過去48小時剛形成了短暫的上升通道(3),若週二數據後,金價脫離上升通道(3),交易區間可定在2155-85(2)。

日線圖 – 黃金自上週突破12月高位2088(4)後升勢正式開始,以早前調整區間1比1作估算(4.1),目標2190已到。金價中線走勢現時已接近上升通道(5)頂部。上週五黃金沖高回落(6),留意未來48小時若金價收盤在2178之上,會是金價繼續沖高的第一個訊號;否則初步回落且標可定在2147-50。

P. To