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In Market Shorts
June 11, 2021



歐央行於議息會議後,宣布維持關鍵利率及規模 1.85 萬億歐元的緊急抗疫購債計劃(PEPP) 不變。會後聲明指,將保持利率於目前或更低的水平。並預計 PEPP 將至少持續至明年 3 月底,必要時將維持到疫情結束時為止,而到期債券收回的本金,將再度投入市場,至少至 2023 年年底止。而原有每月 200 億歐元的資產購買計劃 (APP) 投資將持續到加息後較長時間。至於通脹前景,央行預期年內通脹將持續上升,但至明年年頭將會有所回落。並預期本年通脹將達 1.9%,較前值預期上調 0.4 個百分點,而明年通脹則可達 1.5%,較前值上調 0.3 個百分點。歐央行維持偏鴿立場不變,惟路透社引述消息指,於本月政策會議上,歐央行內部有三名委員希望減緩 PEPP 購債計劃的步伐。

Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.