
In Market Shorts
March 29, 2022
日本央行周一宣布於 0.25 厘水平無限量購入日本 10 年期國債,以壓止長期利率攀升的趨勢。這是不足兩個月內央行第二次入市干預,行動或反映央行維持超寬鬆貨幣政策的決心,這明顯與聯儲局銳意收緊貨幣政策以打壓通脹的意向出現明顯分歧。使日圓匯價一度急挫至超 125 兌 1 美元的「黑田東彥底線」(日央行行長黑田東彥於 2015 年曾指日圓弱過 125 水平將影響經濟) 。但鑑於近期日圓大幅波動,市場對日本當局或干預匯市亦存在一定介心。

Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.