
In Market Shorts
December 16, 2021
美國聯儲局於議息會後維持利率不變,並宣布將於明年 1 月起,把每月削減買債規模增加 1 倍至300 億美元,為更快加息鋪路。據最利率點陣圖顯示,明後兩年將會各加息 3 次,回憶 9 月只有一半官員估計需要加息。聯儲局指出,政策轉變,是因為就業市場已進一步改善,通脹已超過 2%目標一段時間,但提醒新變種病毒仍然令經濟面對風險。聯儲局主席鮑威爾亦表示,點陣圖並不代表行動計劃,經濟及最大就業將推動整個進程。明顯,鮑威爾對加息前景仍保持審慎。而由於明年左右加息的變數仍高,例如美國中期選舉、Omicron 變種疫情及中美關係等,美匯指數先升後回等因素。

Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.