Australia's central bank opens its October meeting to further ease monetary policy, British Prime Minister Johnson will resign as soon as next spring

In Daily Market Review, English
October 21, 2020

Australia’s central bank opens its October meeting to further ease monetary policy
The Bank of Australia released the minutes of its October meeting that members discussed the possibility of further easing monetary policy at the meeting, including reducing the cash interest rate to zero and buying longer-term government bonds. It also pointed out that other central banks have expanded their balance sheets more significantly, which has led to a decline in the yields of sovereign bonds in most wealthy countries. In addition, in addition to discussing further easing of monetary policy, the committee also discussed the nature of forward guidance and the impact of easing policies on exchange rates. As the central bank discusses multiple issues extensively at the interest rate meeting, the situation is relatively rare, which has made the market’s expectations of the Reserve Bank of Australia taking easing actions in the short-term highly sung.

British Prime Minister Johnson will resign as soon as next spring
According to sources quoted by the British “Metro” (Metro), British Prime Minister Johnson intends to resolve the Brexit deadlock in the next six months and lead the UK to successfully fight the epidemic before resigning as soon as next spring. In addition, the news also pointed out that Johnson believes that his annual salary as prime minister is only 150,000 pounds, which is lower than before he became prime minister, which is another reason for his resignation. The British Prime Minister’s Office has since denied the relevant report, but is unwilling to comment further. However, in recent years, the position of the British Prime Minister has rotated very closely. If Prime Minister Johnson really resigns or is forced to resign, that means that in addition to the challenges of formal Brexit next year, the United Kingdom will still face the uncertainty of the new prime minister. The economic outlook is even worse.



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