美國財政部週二報告稱,美國聯邦政府的公共債務總額首次達到34萬億美元,國會議員正在為未來幾週內的另一系列聯邦資金爭奪戰做準備。週五的每日財政部聲明顯示,未償公共債務總額從週四的 33.911 美元增加到 34.001 兆美元。計入聯邦債務上限的債務從週四的 33.794 兆美元增至週五的 33.89 兆美元。 這種「受限制的債務」類別不包括國庫券和零息債券的未攤銷折扣、聯邦金融銀行發行的債務以及某些其他機構的擔保債務。這一里程碑是在 9 月聯邦債務突破 33 兆美元後不久出現的,原因是稅收下降和聯邦支出增加導致聯邦赤字上升。 國會下週將返回華盛頓,在 1 月 19 日和 2 月 2 日的最後期限內解決截至 9 月的政府支出問題,共和黨要求將 2024 財年可自由支配支出削減至 6 月商定的上限以下。 立法者還希望透過對烏克蘭和以色列的緊急援助,可能附加不相關的美國邊境安全條款。如果未能批准 12 項 2024 財政年度支出法案,華盛頓機構將陷入關閉模式。 但隨著 11 月的總統和國會選舉迅速成為焦點,達成妥協可能會變得更加困難。
12月中出現大動能的上升後,升勢一直持續,雖然上週去到2070(前假突破的發力點)出現一段較強的反彈力量,但最後下跌力量未有延續,反而不斷出HIGHER LOW 升穿了這個阻力位。從較細的圖表可看到,22號美盤時段數據公報後,在2070出現急升急跌,跌破上升結構後未有延續,反而做了橫行後發力上破,最後回測橫行的中線位2055再繼續向上到達上週高位2088。現時中長線方向仍是向上看較利,因為大圖級別仍未見有較強的下跌力量,可以留意2047(明顯互換位)和2035前橫行中線,如出現急跌急升或橫行上破,可能是一個不錯的機會。現價在2070附近,型態上可以見到上升速度減慢,而且開始出現LOWER LOW,短線有機會向下行一段先,短線做淡可能是一個不錯的機會,但留意返2047和2035的支持位。K.Lam風險提示: 場外式黃金/白銀交易涉及高度風險,未必適合所有投資者。高度的槓桿可為閣下帶來負面或正面的影響。閣下在決定買賣場外式黃金/白銀之前應審慎考慮自己的投資目標、交易經驗以及風險接受程度。可能出現的情況包括蒙受部分或全部初始投資額的損失,或在極端情況下(例如相關市場跳空)產生更多的損失。因此,閣下不應將無法承受損失的資金用於投資。投資應知悉買賣場外式黃金/白銀有關的一切風險,如有需要,請向獨立財務顧問尋求意見。市場資料僅供參考,MAX Online 絕不保証分析內容的準確性。
Expect the price to consolidate further in S-T before the trading volume returns from the holiday.
1-hour chart – Gold prices reached a recent high of 2088 in early trading last Thu. However, it failed to hold above 2080. After the price escaped from the uptrend channel(1) at the end of last week, gold formed an S-T downward channel(2) in the past 48 trading hours. The price has departed from the downward trend (2) early in the Asian session today, indicating an S-T rebound. After touching 2070, expect the price to be bounded by 2050-70.
Daily Chart – The overall trading volume in the gold market has been low since Dec. 20th. Without significant trading volume driving, the gold price failed to hold above 2081(4), and experienced a round of profit-taking during this holiday period. The resistance zone remains between 2070-2075. Unless the price can clear this resistance, we can expect the price to consolidate further. Support levels to watch below include the 20-day MA(5) and the support line (6). Gold needs to wait for a high-volume environment in order for it to surge higher. Keeping an eye on the release of US employment data at the end of this week.
S-T ressitance 3
S-T ressitance 2
S-T ressitance 1
Market price
S-T support 1
S-T support 2
S-T support 3
P. To
Risk Disclosure: Gold Bullion/Silver (“Bullion”) trading carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. This article is for reference only and is not a solicitation or advice to trade any currencies and investment products . Before deciding to trade Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment or even more in extreme circumstances (such as Gapping underlying markets) and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require. Client should not make investment decision solely based on the point of view and information on this article.
Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.
1小时图 – 金价在上周尾段失守上升通道(1)后,周未前形成了短线的下降通道(2)。今早开市趋势已脱离了下降趋势(2),短线会有一轮反弹,但预期短线会以区间2050-70(3)操作为主。
日线图 – 自12月20日圣诞假期前,金市的整体成交量开始减少。在缺乏成交量推动的情况下,金价未能企稳2081(4)之上,出现短线的获利平仓,回落到2070之下。日线图阻力区仍在2070-75之间,趋势短线以调整为主,下方目标留意20天移动均线及上升支持线(6)。若要继续往上突破,金价仍须等待较大成交量的市场环境,留意本周尾段的美国就业数据公布。
短线阻力 3
短线阻力 2
短线阻力 1
短线支持 1
短线支持 2
短线支持 3
P. To
風險提示: 場外式黃金/白銀交易涉及高度風險,未必適合所有投資者。高度的槓桿可為閣下帶來負面或正面的影響。閣下在決定買賣場外式黃金/白銀之前應審慎考慮自己的投資目標、交易經驗以及風險接受程度。可能出現的情況包括蒙受部分或全部初始投資額的損失,或在極端情況下(例如相關市場跳空)產生更多的損失。因此,閣下不應將無法承受損失的資金用於投資。投資應知悉買賣場外式黃金/白銀有關的一切風險,如有需要,請向獨立財務顧問尋求意見。市場資料僅供參考,我们絕不保証分析內容的準確性。
1小時圖 – 金價在上週尾段失守上升通道(1)後,週未前形成了短線的下降通道(2)。今早開市趨勢已脫離了下降趨勢(2),短線會有一輪反彈,但預期短線會以區間2050-70(3)操作為主。
日線圖 – 自12月20日聖誕假期前,金市的整體成交量開始減少。在缺乏成交量推動的情況下,金價未能企穩2081(4)之上,出現短線的獲利平倉,回落到2070之下。日線圖阻力區仍在2070-75之間,趨勢短線以調整為主,下方目標留意20天移動均線及上升支持線(6)。若要繼續往上突破,金價仍須等待較大成交量的市場環境,留意本週尾段的美國就業數據公佈。
短線阻力 3
短線阻力 2
短線阻力 1
短線支持 1
短線支持 2
短線阻力 3
P. To
風險提示: 場外式黃金/白銀交易涉及高度風險,未必適合所有投資者。高度的槓桿可為閣下帶來負面或正面的影響。閣下在決定買賣場外式黃金/白銀之前應審慎考慮自己的投資目標、交易經驗以及風險接受程度。可能出現的情況包括蒙受部分或全部初始投資額的損失,或在極端情況下(例如相關市場跳空)產生更多的損失。因此,閣下不應將無法承受損失的資金用於投資。投資應知悉買賣場外式黃金/白銀有關的一切風險,如有需要,請向獨立財務顧問尋求意見。市場資料僅供參考,我們絕不保証分析內容的準確性。
抵押貸款機構Nationwide週五表示,截至12月的12個月裡,英國房價下跌了1.8%,創下自2008年全球金融危機以來的一年來最大跌幅。經濟學家的調查顯示,失業率下降了 1.4%。從環比來看,12月份價格與11月持平。 英國房地產市場在 COVID-19 大流行期間經歷了繁榮,但在英國央行為抑制通膨而提高利率後,借貸成本上升,給英國房地產市場帶來了打擊。但最近幾週抵押貸款利率的下降表明市場可能已經觸底。 Nationwide 首席經濟學家 Robert Gardner 表示:「2023 年房地產市場活動疲軟。」他指出,借貸成本上升的影響,房價較 2022 年創下的歷史高點下跌了近 4.5%。Nationwide 數據顯示,12 月房價年減 1.8%,是自 2008 年 12 月跌幅 15.9% 以來的最大跌幅。他補充說,明年房地產活動或價格似乎不太可能出現「快速反彈」。他表示:“如果經濟仍然低迷,抵押貸款利率只是逐漸放緩,正如我們預期的那樣,房價可能會在 2024 年再次出現小幅下跌或基本持平(可能持平至下降 2%)。”消費者信心低迷、房屋測量師的買家詢價水平低迷以及通膨壓力持續存在導致利率居高不下的風險。
美國貿易代表凱瑟琳·泰(Katherine Tai)辦公室周二宣布,將進一步延長對352個中國進口商品和77個與COVID-19相關的類別的「301條款」關稅例外期限,延長至2024年5月31日。 前總統特朗普的政府利用1974年貿易法的301條款,該法旨在打擊貿易伙伴的不公平行為,於2018年和2019年對中國發起了關稅。關稅例外包括幫浦和電動馬達等工業零部件、一些汽車零件和化學品、自行車和吸塵器。與COVID-19相關的例外包括口罩、檢查手套和洗手擦等醫療產品。這些例外之前計劃在12月31日到期。泰的辦公室在一份聲明中表示,將延長至5月31日,以便在四年的法定審查期間進一步考慮。 美國總統拜登保留了前特朗普政府對眾多中國出口商品徵收的額外關稅,並新增了限制出口先進半導體及其製造設備的新措施,理由是出於安全考慮。特朗普在2018年和2019年對來自中國價值約3700億美元的數千種進口商品徵收了關稅,此前的「301條款」調查發現中國侵吞了美國的知識產權,迫使美國企業轉讓敏感技術以開展業務。 中國稱美國對中國進口商品的301條款關稅是「歧視性的」。近期中美關係中的緊張因素不僅僅是關稅。其他爭議性問題還包括台灣、間諜指控、人權和COVID-19疫情的起源。上週,中國財政部也將對一些從美國進口的產品實施的關稅豁免措施延長至2024年7月31日。
Gold cleared the key resistance level of 2050(1) last Friday, triggering a new round of buying and retesting the high @ 2070. However, the price quickly retreated before the market closed. The session ended at 2052, above the key level of 2050 before the holiday weekend.
1-hour chart – After breaking through the level of 2050(1) last week, the upward trend in gold has accelerated, transitioning from a relatively stable upward channel(2) to a faster pace in (2.1). In order for gold to sustain the current upward trend, the price must surpass the key 2070 resistance in the next 24 hours; otherwise, the price may escape from the upward(2.1) trend and enter a sideways pattern between 2050-70(3). Let’s patiently wait for signals to appear, as capturing the trend should not be too difficult.
Daily chart – The selling pressure(4) built up by the rejection of 2070 before the holiday has been absorbed by yesterday’s buying orders, as indicated by the high closing prices (4.1) above 2060. A signal of a market top has yet to appear, so the upward movement should continue to dominate the daily chart. However, expect strong resistance at 2070-72, it’s better not to be too aggressive until it clears this resistance.
S-T ressitance 3
S-T ressitance 2
S-T ressitance 1
Market price
S-T support 1
S-T support 2
S-T support 3
P. To
Risk Disclosure: Gold Bullion/Silver (“Bullion”) trading carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. This article is for reference only and is not a solicitation or advice to trade any currencies and investment products . Before deciding to trade Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment or even more in extreme circumstances (such as Gapping underlying markets) and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require. Client should not make investment decision solely based on the point of view and information on this article.
Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.
1小时图 – 金价自上周突破2050(1)后,上升趋势加快,由较平稳的上升通道(2)加速至(2.1)。 …若金价要维持现有的上升趋势,未来24小时内必须突破关键阻力2070,否则走势将脱离上升趋势(2.1),短线进入高位横行2050-70(3)格局。耐心等待讯号出现,相信走势不难捕捉。
日线图 – 假期前先升后回的下跌讯号(4),已被昨日的高收买盘(4.1)吸收。现时未有见顶讯号出现,趋势继续以上升为主导,但阻力关键在2070-72,突破前不宜太进取。
短线阻力 3
短线阻力 2
短线阻力 1
短线支持 1
短线支持 2
短线支持 3
P. To
風險提示: 場外式黃金/白銀交易涉及高度風險,未必適合所有投資者。高度的槓桿可為閣下帶來負面或正面的影響。閣下在決定買賣場外式黃金/白銀之前應審慎考慮自己的投資目標、交易經驗以及風險接受程度。可能出現的情況包括蒙受部分或全部初始投資額的損失,或在極端情況下(例如相關市場跳空)產生更多的損失。因此,閣下不應將無法承受損失的資金用於投資。投資應知悉買賣場外式黃金/白銀有關的一切風險,如有需要,請向獨立財務顧問尋求意見。市場資料僅供參考,我們絕不保証分析內容的準確性。
1小時圖 – 金價自上週突破2050(1)後,上升趨勢加快,由較平穩的上升通道(2)加速至(2.1)。…若金價要維持現有的上升趨勢,未來24小時內必須突破關鍵阻力2070,否則走勢將脫離上升趨勢(2.1),短線進入高位橫行2050-70(3)格局。耐心等待訊號出現,相信走勢不難捕捉。
日線圖 – 假期前先升後回的下跌訊號(4),已被昨日的高收買盤(4.1)吸收。現時未有見頂訊號出現,趨勢繼續以上升為主導,但阻力關鍵在2070-72,突破前不宜太進取。
短線阻力 3
短線阻力 2
短線阻力 1
短線支持 1
短線支持 2
短線阻力 3
P. To
風險提示: 場外式黃金/白銀交易涉及高度風險,未必適合所有投資者。高度的槓桿可為閣下帶來負面或正面的影響。閣下在決定買賣場外式黃金/白銀之前應審慎考慮自己的投資目標、交易經驗以及風險接受程度。可能出現的情況包括蒙受部分或全部初始投資額的損失,或在極端情況下(例如相關市場跳空)產生更多的損失。因此,閣下不應將無法承受損失的資金用於投資。投資應知悉買賣場外式黃金/白銀有關的一切風險,如有需要,請向獨立財務顧問尋求意見。市場資料僅供參考,我們絕不保証分析內容的準確性。