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on Feb 29, 2024
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        根据周四公布的政府数据,印度2023/24财年4月至1月期间的财政赤字为11.03兆卢比(1,331亿美元),约占全年预算赤字的63.6%。 同期,净税收收入达到18.80兆卢比,占年度预估的81%左右,较上年同期的16.89兆卢比有所成长。 这段期间的总支出达33.55兆卢比,约占年度目标的75%,而去年同期为31.68兆卢比。 此外,本财年前10个月政府资本支出达到7.21兆卢比,完成年度目标的76%,超过去年同期的5.70兆卢比。        为了解决财政赤字问题,印度已将截至 3 月 31 日的本财年目标修改为占国内生产毛额 (GDP) 的 5.8%,减少了 10 个基点。 此外,政府的目标是在下一财年将赤字降至5.1%。

on Feb 29, 2024
44 views 0 secs

        根據週四公佈的政府數據,印度2023/24財年4月至1月期間的財政赤字為11.03兆盧比(1,331億美元),約佔全年預算赤字的63.6%。 同期,淨稅收收入達到18.80兆盧比,佔年度預估的81%左右,較上年同期的16.89兆盧比有所成長。 這段期間的總支出達33.55兆盧比,約佔年度目標的75%,而去年同期為31.68兆盧比。 此外,本財年前10個月政府資本支出達到7.21兆盧比,完成年度目標的76%,超過去年同期的5.70兆盧比。        為了解決財政赤字問題,印度已將截至 3 月 31 日的本財年目標修改為佔國內生產毛額 (GDP) 的 5.8%,減少了 10 個基點。 此外,政府的目標是在下一財年將赤字降至5.1%。

on Feb 29, 2024
18 views 27 secs

India’s fiscal deficit for the period of April to January in the 2023/24 financial year stood at 11.03 trillion rupees ($133.1 billion), which is approximately 63.6% of the estimated deficit for the entire year, according to government data released on Thursday. During the same period, net tax revenues reached 18.80 trillion rupees, which accounts for around 81% of the yearly estimate, showing an increase from 16.89 trillion rupees in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total expenditure during this period amounted to 33.55 trillion rupees, or roughly 75% of the annual target, compared to 31.68 trillion rupees in the same period last year. Additionally, the government’s capital expenditure for the first ten months of the financial year reached 7.21 trillion rupees, or 76% of the annual target, surpassing the 5.70 trillion rupees spent in the same period the previous year.To address the fiscal deficit, India has revised its target for the current financial year, ending on March 31, to 5.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), reducing it by 10 basis points. Furthermore, the government aims to bring down the deficit to 5.1% in the following financial year.

on Feb 26, 2024
60 views 0 secs

       1月中国新建住宅价格环比跌幅放缓,大城市出现一定程度的稳定,但尽管北京方面努力重振需求,但全国下降的趋势仍在持续。 根据国家统计局周五公布的数据,12月新建住宅价格较上季下降0.4%,1月较上季下降0.3%。 中国一直在加强遏制房地产低迷,包括命令国有银行在「白名单」机制下增加对住宅项目的贷款。 上海等更多大城市也放宽了限购措施以吸引购屋者。        上个月,一线城市房价季减 0.3%,降幅小于 12 月 0.4%,部分原因是减少首付等额外支持措施。 在国家统计局调查的70个城市中,上海环比涨幅最大,上涨0.4%,其余三个一线城市——北京、广州、深圳——房价降幅小于大多数二线和二线城市。 三级中心。 1月房价季减的城市数量也有所减少,但整体市场仍处于明显的下跌趋势,买家情绪依然十分疲软。 房价年减0.7%,创10个月来最大跌幅。 尽管 2023 年 1 月的统计基数较低,但由于 COVID-19 的干扰,价格比去年同期下降了 1.5%。        华宝信托经济学家聂文表示,房价下跌可能会持续。 「整个房地产市场可能需要一年多的时间才能完全恢复和反弹。」聂说。 央行2月9日公布的数据显示,1月家庭贷款(主要是房贷)攀升至9,801亿元,远超过12月的2,221亿元。 不过,聂说,人们并不是用这类贷款买房,而是用于个人消费。 他补充说,只有当收入预期改善时,居民才会进行中长期投资,包括购买房产。 由于杠杆过高的开发商发生了一系列违约,自 2021 年以来,房地产市场一直陷入低迷,一直难以稳定。 因此,政策制定者继续推出措施提振市场信心。         该国央行周二宣布有史以来最大幅度的基准抵押贷款利率下调,不过分析师认为,鉴于现有抵押贷款持有人要到明年才能受益,此次下调对房价的影响有限。 中原地产分析师张大伟表示:“房地产行业仍处于逐步触底的过程中,购房者的收入和信心以及整体需求需要一段时间才能恢复。”

on Feb 26, 2024
74 views 0 secs

       1月中國新建住宅價格環比跌幅放緩,大城市出現一定程度的穩定,但儘管北京方面努力重振需求,但全國下降的趨勢仍在持續。根據國家統計局週五公佈的數據,12月新建住宅價格較上季下降0.4%,1月較上季下降0.3%。中國一直在加強遏制房地產低迷,包括命令國有銀行在「白名單」機制下增加對住宅項目的貸款。 上海等更多大城市也放寬了限購措施以吸引購屋者。       上個月,一線城市房價季減 0.3%,降幅小於 12 月 0.4%,部分原因是減少首付等額外支持措施。在國家統計局調查的70個城市中,上海環比漲幅最大,上漲0.4%,其餘三個一線城市——北京、廣州、深圳——房價降幅小於大多數二線和二線城市。三級中心。1月房價季減的城市數量也有所減少,但整體市場仍處於明顯的下跌趨勢,買家情緒依然十分疲軟。房價年減0.7%,創10個月來最大跌幅。 儘管 2023 年 1 月的統計基數較低,但由於 COVID-19 的干擾,價格比去年同期下降了 1.5%。       華寶信託經濟學家聶文表示,房價下跌可能會持續。「整個房地產市場可能需要一年多的時間才能完全恢復和反彈。」聶說。央行2月9日公佈的數據顯示,1月家庭貸款(主要是房貸)攀升至9,801億元,遠超過12月的2,221億元。不過,聶說,人們並不是用這類貸款買房,而是用於個人消費。他補充說,只有當收入預期改善時,居民才會進行中長期投資,包括購買房產。由於槓桿過高的開發商發生了一系列違約,自 2021 年以來,房地產市場一直陷入低迷,一直難以穩定。因此,政策制定者繼續推出措施提振市場信心。        該國央行週二宣布有史以來最大幅度的基準抵押貸款利率下調,不過分析師認為,鑑於現有抵押貸款持有人要到明年才能受益,此次下調對房價的影響有限。中原地產分析師張大偉表示:“房地產行業仍處於逐步觸底的過程中,購房者的收入和信心以及整體需求需要一段時間才能恢復。”

on Feb 26, 2024
23 views 3 mins

 China’s new home prices slowed their month-on-month declines in January with the biggest cities seeing some stabilisation, but the nationwide downward trend persisted despite Beijing’s efforts to revive demand.New home prices fell 0.3% month-on-month in January after dipping 0.4% in December, according to  calculations based on National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data on Friday.China has been ramping up measures to arrest a property downturn, including ordering state banks to boost lending to residential projects under a “whitelist” mechanism. More big cities including Shanghai have also eased purchase curbs to lure homebuyers.Last month, home prices in tier-one cities fell 0.3% on month, smaller than their 0.4% decline in December, partly due to additional support measures including a reduction in down-payments.Among 70 cities surveyed by NBS, Shanghai saw the biggest month-on-month increase with a rise of 0.4%, while the remaining three tier-one cities – Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen – posted smaller home prices declines than most tier-two and tier-three centres.The number of cities that saw monthly price falls in January also decreased, but the overall market remained on a clear downtrend with buyer sentiment still very weak.From a year earlier, home prices fell 0.7%, marking the sharpest drop in 10 months. That was despite a low statistical base in January 2023 when prices dropped 1.5% year-on-year due to COVID-19 disruptions.Nie Wen, an economist at Hwabao Trust, said home price declines could persist.”It may take more than a year for the entire property market to fully recover and rebound,” Nie said.Central bank data released on Feb. 9 showed household loans, mostly mortgages, climbed to 980.1 billion yuan in January, far more than 222.1 billion yuan in December.However, Nie said people are not using such loans to buy homes, but rather for personal consumption.Residents will invest in the medium to long term, including buying property, only when their income expectations improve, he added.The property market has struggled to stabilise having languished since 2021 due to a series of defaults among overleveraged developers.As a result, policymakers have continued to roll out measures to boost market confidence.The country’s central bank on Tuesday announced its biggest ever reduction in the benchmark mortgage rate, although analysts believe its impact on home price will be limited given existing mortgage holders will not benefit until next year.”It will take some time for homebuyers’ incomes and confidence, and overall demand to recover in the property sector, which is still in the process of gradually bottoming out,” said Zhang Dawei, an analyst at property agency Centaline.

on Feb 26, 2024
30 views 3 mins

The expectation of the Fed’s interest rate cuts continues to support the fundamentals of the gold price. However, since the market kept delaying the rate cuts schedule without significant economic news, gold was traded sideways above 2020 last week. More news is expected this week, with the US announcing durable goods orders, 4Q GDP, PCE inflation, and manufacturing PMI. Regardless of whether the data is better or worse than expectations, the daily price fluctuations of gold should be widened toward around the $20 range. Considering the current market sentiment, unless these data significantly exceed expectations, it will not be easy for gold to break free from the current sideway sentiment. Therefore, we can continue to take advantage of the 2015-2040 range this week.

1hr chart – Last week, the daily price fluctuations of gold expanded from a narrow range at the beginning of the week to a broader USD 25 range (1) near the week’s end. The market dynamics should be similar to last Fri. on data release days this week. The resistance zone around 2035-2040 is still valid, and the day trading strategy should continue to be based on the range of 2015-40.

Daily Chart – After the rejection of 2041 on Friday, the rebounding cycle from the bottom of the downward channel(3) is getting close to an end. Short-selling near 2040 in the next 1-2 days will be ideal if the gold price is to touch 2040 again. Once the price falls below the 20-day ma(4) near the end of this week, the adjustment target can be set at 2010 or even lower for next week.

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P. To

Risk Disclosure: Gold Bullion/Silver (“Bullion”) trading carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. This article is for reference only and is not a solicitation or advice to trade any currencies and investment products . Before deciding to trade Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment or even more in extreme circumstances (such as Gapping underlying markets) and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require. Client should not make investment decision solely based on the point of view and information on this article.  

on Feb 26, 2024
67 views 6 secs

美联储减息继续在基本面上支持金价,但由于近期市场对减息预期一再推迟,加上上周未有重要消息公布,黄金上周在高位横行震荡,而走势窄幅。 本周消息较多,二、三、四、五,美国分别将公布耐用品订单、季度GDP、PCE通胀及制造业PMI。 不论数计据是好或坏,金价的单日波幅将会扩大,回到单日高/低约20美元水平。 以现时市场气氛情绪,除非数据大幅超出预期,否则短期内金价很难摆脱好淡争持局面,初步预期本周继续密食区间2015-40。

1小时图 – 金价上周的单日波幅由周初的窄幅上落一直扩大(1),周五的单日波幅扩大至约25美元,预期本周数据公布日的单日动态应该相近。 2035-40的阻力区仍然有效,短线操作继续以2015-40为蓝本。

日线图 – 金价上周五上试2041之后,始于下降通道(3)底部的反弹周期已接近完成。 把握未来1-2日金价再次上试2040的机会,只要价格在本周尾段跌穿20天MA(4),调整目标可定在2010或更低。

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P. To

风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。市场资料仅供参考,我们绝不保证分析内容的准确性。 

on Feb 26, 2024
80 views 6 secs


1小時圖 – 金價上週的單日波幅由週初的窄幅上落一直擴大(1),週五的單日波幅擴大至約25美元,預期本週數據公佈日的單日動態應該相近。2035-40的阻力區仍然有效,短線操作繼續以2015-40為藍本。

日線圖 – 金價上週五上試2041之後,始於下降通道(3)底部的反彈週期已接近完成。把握未來1-2日金價再次上試2040的機會,只要價格在本週尾段跌穿20天MA(4),調整目標可定在2010或更低。

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P. To

on Feb 24, 2024
58 views 2 secs

         从4小时图看,13/2和15/2美国出了重要数据后,金价大跌后出现力量反弹,变成一个较大的下跌通道。 虽然通道方向是下跌,但通道底亦算是支持的一种,而且出了明显的反弹力量,所以短线可以寻找一些支持位等回调买上。         从1小时图看,1995是前面小型震荡的顶部,算是明显的支持位,在这布署入市会较有利,入市后第一关先看前顶2008,升穿后看2030大阴烛的发 力位,到达通道顶后可留部份仓位试试能否升穿。        现价2035,向上做的空间不大,因为已接近通道顶和2052的阻力,但可留意15分钟图的小下跌通道顶,这位置刚好是近期升段的0.618。 向下布署的话,则留意2052附近有否反弹力量,第一关睇返2030,之后2008。 若有力量直接上破,则等待回调向上做会较有利。K.LAM风险提示: 场外式黄金/白银交易涉及高度风险,未必适合所有投资者。 高度的杠杆可为阁下带来负面或正面的影响。 阁下在决定买卖场外式黄金/白银之前应审慎考虑自己的投资目标、交易经验以及风险接受程度。 可能出现的情况包括蒙受部分或全部初始投资额的损失,或在极端情况下(例如相关市场跳空)产生更多的损失。 因此,阁下不应将无法承受损失的资金用于投资。 投资应知悉买卖场外式黄金/白银有关的一切风险,如有需要,请向独立财务顾问寻求意见。 市场资料仅供参考,MAX Online 绝不保证分析内容的准确性。