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In Market Shorts
February 17, 2022
紐約商品期貨交易所(COMEX)4月黃金期貨2月16日收盤上漲15.3美元或0.8%至每盎司1,871.5美元,創下8個月來新高,因西方認為烏克蘭緊張局勢尚未化解,令黃金再獲避險買盤青睞;美元指數下跌0.2%,5月白銀期貨上漲1.3%至每盎司23.654美元。紐約商業交易所(NYMEX)4月鉑金期貨上漲4.2%至每盎司1,063.7美元,6月鈀金期貨上漲0.9%至每盎司2,274美元。研究機構Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates, LLC.執行合夥人Leigh Goehring表示,能源價格上漲催動通膨的預期心理,可能成為推升金價下一輪多頭的主要動力。Goehring表示,國際油市的供應似乎會越來越為吃緊,可能牽動整體市場,包括食品以及農產品價格等,黃金也將會受到通膨預期的支撐。

Service relating to Over-the-counter (OTC) Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by MOL. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion trading carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. OTC Gold/Silver Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission (""SFC"") and therefore trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC. Before deciding to trade OTC Gold/Silver Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain losses in excess of your deposited fund or even more in extreme circumstances and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading OTC Gold/Silver Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require.