Countries Around The World Focus On Expanding The Solar Energy Industry, Prompting A Surge In Silver Demand / The UK Officially Lifted All Domestic Epidemic Restraints Today

In English
19 7 月, 2021

Countries Around The World Focus On Expanding The Solar Energy Industry, Prompting A Surge In Silver Demand

The Consumer Confidence Index of the first half of July published by the University of Michigan was 80.8, which was lower than the previous month’s 85.5. The US inflation data further increased market panic, and the strong US dollar index put pressure on the precious metals and silver taking up. The weekly gain fell to a shock of 25.69 US dollars. Under the global implementation of a carbon neutral policy, solar power generation is currently the focus of support for power policies in countries around the world, and conductive silver paste is the main material for solar cells. Conductive silver paste accounts for 10% of total silver demand, which has greatly increased the demand for silver industry. . In the context of the sustained and rapid development of solar energy in the future, the medium and long-term growth potential of silver prices is promising.

The UK Officially Lifted All Domestic Epidemic Restraints Today

Starting today, the British people will no longer need to wear masks in public, and restaurants will not limit the number of people. Basically, they will be returning to the pre-epidemic lifestyle. Of course, strictly speaking, the British people have lifted all restrictions on their own as early as the European Cup football match in November this month. At that time, I saw that British fans no longer wear masks in public. Now I am concerned about how many British people will take advantage of the new crown virus in the future, and whether the medical system can afford it. Many people are indeed expected. As long as the British medical system does not collapse, we can also regard the UK’s fight against the epidemic as a success. On the contrary, if the British medical system cannot afford it, this will not only damage the exchange rate of the pound sterling, but also discourage the global fight against the epidemic. Because the United Kingdom is a major country with a larger population after Israel, the overall vaccination rate of its people is higher than 70% of the universal immunization level.
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