The latest poll says Trump’s approval rating is lower than Biden
On Tuesday (29th) there will be a US presidential election debate. As US President Trump is still behind the Democratic candidate Biden in the latest polls, the market is concerned about whether the situation will change after this week’s debate. It is generally believed that Trump is good for US stocks but not good for Sino-US relations. On the contrary, Biden is not good for US stocks, but it is expected to bring some relief to the tension between China and the United States.
U.S. will vote on 2.4 trillion rescue plan
The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Pelosi, said that as House Democrats are trying to promote a smaller aid package of approximately $2.4 trillion, it is possible to launch another epidemic stimulus plan. The smaller plan proposed by the Democrats is about $1 trillion less than their original proposal, but more than the amount the Trump administration said it would accept.
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