The European Central Bank Management Committee does not rule out more response measures、U.S. stock market falls due to falling oil prices

In Daily Market Review, English
21 4 月, 2020

The European Central Bank Management Committee does not rule out more response measures

Weidmann, a member of the European Central Bank& Management Committee, said that the determinant of the eurozone economic development is the future changes in the epidemic and the duration of the blockade. Therefore, it is still impossible to judge whether the countermeasures taken by the central bank are sufficient, and reiterated that it is necessary to maintain expansionary monetary and fiscal policies for a considerable period of time. Reflected before the epidemic situation is still unclear, the central bank is temporarily difficult to give the market too much inspiration.

U.S. stock market falls due to falling oil prices

On Monday, a record drop in oil prices stimulated safe-haven demand. The trend of oil prices shocked the market, causing the US stock market to fall, and gold once stood at the $ 1700 mark. At the same time, there are more signs that the risk of deflation in the United States is increasing, which may inhibit a moderate price increase, which will drag down the economic recovery. However, as market worries rose, the dollar also strengthened slightly, partially restricting the gold rise. Within the day concerned about the UK unemployment rate and the economic prosperity index of the eurozone, and the US Senate may vote on the US $ 450 billion appropriations at the Tuesday meeting.


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