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Scottish Parliament to Hold Parliament Election on Thursday / Gold Prices Under Pressure Again

In English
03 5 月, 2021


Scottish Parliament to Hold Parliament Election on Thursday

According to the situation, the Scottish National Party is expected to win. The main question is how many seats it will win. Because in this election, the Scottish National Party is playing the righteous flag to leave the UK. If the victory is far more than half, beware that Scotland will hold a referendum on Brexit ahead of schedule and cause the pound exchange rate to fall sharply. In addition, if the National Party fails to win by a large number, once the market’s worries about Scotland’s withdrawal from the UK are eliminated, the pound exchange rate will have a chance to rise sharply.

Gold Prices Under Pressure Again

The world is once again worried about the new crown epidemic, once again threatening and challenging the prospects for economic recovery. After the largest monthly increase in the price of gold in 2021, the price of gold is currently in a posture of slow decline and pressure. Dallas Federal Reserve Chairman Robert Kaplan raised concerns about financial market imbalances and called on the Fed to reduce its support for the economy and discuss quantitative easing adjustments as soon as possible. Due to US President Biden’s tax hikes, the infrastructure plan lacks acceptance, making gold unable to reverse the situation for a long time. As of 08:51 Hong Kong time, the price of gold fell slightly by 0.02% to US$1,768.80.

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